Our Midweek Children’s Programs


We wanted to take some time to spotlight our midweek children’s program.  Every week on Wednesday nights we have a in-home children’s program, while our adults and college and career have their bible studies in home.  The location is at the same house for easy use of both the adults and children’s bible study to be together.

The focus of our children’s program is to teach them about the major doctrines of Scripture while having fun doing so.  We also teach them Bible memorization and practical application for their lives at their age.  Although we think the Bible stories are important we go a little bit deeper to better help them understand the deeper meaning of the Bible stories. We have the Kids 4 Truth program for ages 4 years to 5th grade.  Our 6th graders are part of our youth ministries that you can read more about here at http://www.firestonebaptist.com/youthministry.htm.

We meet every week at 7PM on Wednesday. Our children’s program is called Kids 4 Truth.  It is very much like AWANA.  You can find out more information at http://www.firestonebaptist.com/childrensministry.htm

For more information on Firestone Baptist Church please go to FirestoneBaptist.com or call 303-7336-9959

Sitting in the Pew


I was recently in a conversation with someone who’s church is getting ready to close their doors.  It is rather a sad situation and some rather bizarre situations as well.  They have around 150 people still attending the church.  As we were talking about church and what the purpose of the church was, I asked him the question what were the visions and goals of the church.  Much to his anguish, he did not really know.  I asked him what the church was actively doing to reach souls for Christ.  He said our outreach is inside the church.

This is the exact idea that is getting the church in trouble today.  This is developing the consumer mentality and not the biblical mission that we are called by God. Although the phrase, “to be in the world but not of it” is never in Scripture it is definitely a biblical principle.  How can we expect the unsaved world to want to come to church?  How can we expect as Christians to have an “outreach” when we are still inside of the church?

Scripture is very clear when it says…go!  Not stay, not sit in your pew, not be complacent in your church, but to GO!  In other words get up, and reach out!  Find people that need the Lord.  It is an easy thing to do, because they are everywhere.  Go into all the world and find souls.  Too often we enjoy sitting in the pew rather being active in our life for Christ.  We often sit in our house rather than actively looking to find men.  We are more involved in our church programs, church activities, and church projects to forget why we are here!  The church WILL not grow from the inside out. It will only grow from the outside in.

Christianity is an active lifestyle, not a dormant, comfortable, complacent lifestyle.  To truly reach the world we have to be in the world.  We have to go beyond our walls to get to them.  No matter how awesome your programs are or advertising is, developing a genuine relationship with people outside of church is key.  As Scripture teaches us to go into the world, it also teaches us to disciple them.  Discipleship does not start at the point of Salvation, but actually before a person ever receives the Lord as his Savior.  See we are teaching those people from the very beginning what it is to be like Christ. We are teaching them to duplicate Christ.  You are the one they will be duplicating.  Living for the Lord is a great testimony that people will look after, but if they do not see a difference in your life, then you will teach them to live the same.

So how are you discipling the world?  Who are you trying to duplicate towards Christ?  Not to say that there are not people you will not be discipling in the church, but reaching beyond the walls is where true discipleship begins.  Sitting in our pews, gives us this sense of comfort.  It is a place that we do not have to confront our fears of true outreach.  So we produce programs and activities justifying this to be our outreach, when all we are doing is really producing complacent Christianity.

For more information on Firestone Baptist Church please go to FirestoneBaptist.com or call 303-7336-9959

Our College and Career is Growing!

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Are you in the College and Career part of your life?  Well we would like to invite you to check out our College and Career Ministry.  We have several opportunities for ministry and activities.  Please check our College and Career Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/FirestoneBaptistCollegeAndCareer


You can also check out Firestone Baptist Church’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Firestone-Baptist-Church/203757890870

For more information on Firestone Baptist Church please go to FirestoneBaptist.com or call 303-7336-9959

The Summer Begins with Our First 2 14ers in ONE day! Come Join US!


We want to extend a invitation to you!  We want anyone who is college and career or older to join us on our two 14ers in Colorado in one day on Wednesday JUNE 26th.  We will begin the day at 6:30AM, we will meet in Frederick, CO.  We will then drive up to Bakerville, CO where the trailhead begins.  We will be hiking Grays and Torreys Peak both in one day.

There is limited space available in our van.  If that van is full, you are more than welcome to still come by providing your own vehicle.

Please make sure you bring:

1.  Plenty of water as dehydration sets in quicker when climbing in high altitudes.

2.  Snacks while hiking

3.  Money for dinner later

4.  Pack a lunch to eat while on the hike.

5.  Clothes for all types of weather changes.  In this hike you can experience anything from heat to snow in the same hike.

We would also like to invite you at the end of the day join us for our evening Bible study at the end of the day.  To join us please call us at 303-736-9959.

For more information on Carbon Valley Bible Church please go to cvbiblechurch.com or call 303-736-9959

College and Career as well as Adult IN-Home Small Group Bible Studies TONIGHT at 7PM!

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We have our College and Career/Adult small group Bible studies tonight at 7PM.  WE would love to have you come.  These are in home, so please call for directions.


For more information on Carbon Valley Bible Church please go to cvbiblechurch.com or call 303-736-9959


College and Career Activity in the Carbon Valley Area this Friday Night! You are Invited!

We are kicking off the summer with our first activity for our college and career group.  We are inviting you as well.  This is great opportunity to meet and fellowship with other college and career Believers.  We would love to have you come.

We had a great start to the building of our college and career group at Carbon Valley Bible Church.  We are continuing to grow and are looking for those college and career adults who are looking to make a true impact for God in the Carbon Valley and surrounding areas.  IF you are looking for a college and career group of Believers, this is a great group to visit.  Come grow with this group.

Our activity will be at 6PM Friday evening.  We will be meeting in Frederick, CO.  For direction please call 303-736-9959.  We will be heading for an evening of fun and fellowship, and just getting to know each other as this is a new group.  We will heading to Boondocks and dinner.  So plan on potentially putt putt golf, go carts, bowling, bumper boats, games, laser tag, and many other things.


There are many other activities and Bible studies to come.  We look forward to meeting you.

For more information on Carbon Valley Bible Church please go to cvbiblechurch.com or call 303-736-9959


